Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Jun Sasaki
  • Goro Sasaki

Oink Games

Souvenirs from Venice

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Try to get the right goods in Souvenirs from Venice.

To set up, lay out the tiles face down in a grid on the table. Each player has a small gondola that will sail between the rows of tiles.

On a turn, roll the die, move your gondola, then see what you want to purchase. Souvenirs come in six types, with 5-10 copies of each type, and to score points, you need to collect three of the same type. Find the "Pigeon Feed Seller", and you must trade one of your souvenirs with a neighbor.

Tiles get easier to collect as more are turned up, but you must return to the airport before everything gets flipped over, or else you've missed your plane and lost the game!

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