Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Ion Game Design

High Frontier 4 All

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This is the 4th edition of Phil Eklund's signature game High Frontier. It all started with Rocket Flight. This game had the ambition to let "Each player start as a space faring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." We are now at 2020 and High Frontier 4 All will turn High Frontier into
  • a more accessible game, using introductory games that introduce the mechanics step by step as well as tutorials and a lot of illustrated examples and strategy tips.
  • a game system, open for additions and modules. This will enable the active and brilliant community around High Frontier to evolve it continuously. 
High Frontier 4 All comes in a Core box, which contains the previous edition's basic and advanced rules. The rules have been given a complete overhaul  in order to make them watertight and accessible. The Core box also includes Module 0 -Politics.

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