Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Jason C. Hill

Flying Frog Productions

Shadows of Brimstone: Court of the Fallen Shogun Deluxe Enemy Pack

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  • €40.29
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The most ruthless and trusted advisors to the Fallen Shogun, these powerful spellcasters wield dark and sinister magik! Once a humble court of ministers and wise men, they have grown hungry for power and forbidden knowledge, tainted by the corrupting lure of the Dark Stone!

Shadows of Brimstone: Court of the Fallen Shogun Deluxe Enemy Pack includes 3 Fallen Sorcerer Enemies as well as 3 Komuso Summoner Enemies. It also includes a host of new Encounter, Gear, and Artifact cards themed for these treacherous and sinister spellcasters, including new Decks of Spells and supernatural entities to be conjured! As a Deluxe Enemy Pack, this set also includes 2 Missions for your valiant Heroes to embark upon.

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