Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 7 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Mariucci J. Designs

HEXplore It: The Valley of the Dead King – Klik's Madness Campaign Book

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Adventure awaits! Klik’s Madness is a choose-your-own-path, narrative-driven adventure built for the first HEXplore It Volume, The Valley of the Dead King.

This board game/novel hybrid is a one-of-a-kind story that takes place in the Runecrest Valley — before the Dead King arrives.

Klik, Emperor of the goblins, has somehow managed to unite the short bickering fiends and mold them into a force even the elves of Fain’hil cannot contain. Under his command, the goblins are surging across the Runecrest like a plague.

Play through HEXplore It: the Valley of the Dead King in a new way and experience the unfolding of a rich and epic story. Your heroes will plunge into the narrative and drive how the story unfolds, based on the decisions and actions you make!

  • This product requires the use of The Valley of the Dead King Core box.
  • Create heroes and experience a choose-your-own-path story through six Chapters of content.
  • You will experience only a fraction of the content during each Chapter, which means your story can unfold differently each time you play.
  • Gain unique epic gear, campaign-only equipment and statuses, face powerful new opponents, and power level your heroes through the entire length of the story.
  • Statuses and items you gain in one chapter may affect the story in different and unforeseeable ways in future Chapters.

Can you restore balance to the Runecrest Valley?

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