Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • David Gordon
  • Michael O'Connell

Stonemaier Games

Finspan Bundle

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  • €75.62
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Finspan Bundle includes:

  • Finspan
  • Finspan Upgrade Pack


You are a marine researcher seeking to find and observe an array of aquatic life in the colorful Sunlight Zone, ghostly Twilight Zone, and pitch-black Midnight Zone of the world's seas and oceans. In Finspan, the fish you discover over four weeks will generate a series of benefits as you dive deeper into the ocean.

Each dive site specializes in a key aspect of expanding your research:

  • Grow your collection of fish.
  • Discover freshly laid eggs.
  • Hatch eggs into young and consolidate young to form schools.

The winner is the player with the most points gained from fish, eggs, young, schools, and achievements.


Finspan Upgrade Pack has 40 wooden young tokens, 20 wooden school tokens, and 50 squishy egg tokens (TPR plastic), which were designed specifically for Finspan (the game includes cardboard tokens).

One upgrade pack covers the quantities needed for a full 5-player game.

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