Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English


Mage Knight Board Game: The Lost Legion

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Stories about General Volkare and his Lost Legion are whispered amongst the Atlanteans – some in hope, all with at least a sliver of fear. Now with word of what appears to be Volkare and his Lost Legion reappearing and yet another new Mage Knight to contend with, the scattered forces across the land are deciding which side is likely to be victorious. Are the Mage Knights the lesser of evils, or is Volkare the true savior they have been waiting for?

Continuing the saga of the worldwide acclaimed hit Mage Knight Board Game, designer Vlaada Chvatil and WizKids present Mage Knight Board Game: The Lost Legion, an expansion that offers players a new Mage Knight — Wolfhawk — and also adds a new foe for the Mage Knights: the mysterious and powerful General Volkare! Included in the expansion set are new location tiles, enemy/ruin tokens, Unit cards, Advanced Action cards, Artifact cards, Spell cards and a rulebook expansion that features new game scenarios and rules to support play for five players.

Whether you and your fellow Mage Knights decide to work together or at cross purposes, this expansion supports new play styles and tactics and a new foe that can challenge even the most veteran players.

2013 Golden Geek Best Board Game Expansion Nominee

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