Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Michał Gołąb Gołębiowski
  • Filip Miłuński

Lucky Duck Games

Destinies: Bound By Fate Expansion

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In Destinies: Bound By Fate Expansion, you'll be joined by a fellow player, forming a team and sharing a common Destiny. Together you will fight against time and a second pair of players. Play smart, and share quests and items to explore the world faster than your opponents. The team that manages to cooperate better and fulfill their Destiny faster wins.

The Bound by Fate add-on allows you to experience all scenarios from the Destinies base game, Sea of Sand expansion, and Myth & Folklore expansion in a new 2 vs 2 game mode. It does not add any scenarios but contains the physical elements you need to play with a 4th player.

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