Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Vital Lacerda

Eagle-Gryphon Games

The Gallerist Complete Edition (includes Upgrade Pack & Scoring Expansion)

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The Gallerist Complete Edition includes Upgrade Pack (Kickstarter stretch goals pack 1 & 2) and Scoring Expansion.

This age of art and capitalism has created a need for a new occupation - The Gallerist.

Combining the elements of an Art dealer, museum curator, and Artists’ manager, you are about to take on that job! You will promote and nurture Artists; buy, display, and sell their Art; and build and exert your international reputation. As a result, you will achieve the respect needed to draw visitors to your Gallery from all over the world.

There's a lot of work to be done, but don't worry, you can hire assistants to help you achieve your goals. Build your fortune by running the most lucrative Gallery and secure your reputation as a world-class Gallerist!

Maximize your money and thus win the game by:
-having visitors in your gallery;
-exhibiting and selling works of art;
-investing in artists’ promotion to increase art value;
-achieving trends and reputation as well as curator and dealer goals.

2015 Meeples' Choice Nominee
2015 Jocul Anului în România Advanced Finalist
2015 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Best Board Game Artwork/Presentation Nominee
2015 Cardboard Republic Tactician Laurel Winner

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