Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Serious Poulp

The 7th Continent: Comfort Creatures Expansion

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There are some rather unique and unsettling creatures inhabiting the Continent. Some of which could be classified as a “walking health crisis”, while others not so much. Exactly which type is in this egg? You won’t know, but perhaps with a bit of love and attention, you might just make yourself a new friend!

The 7th Continent: Comfort Creatures mini-expansion is a set of 30 cards that will allow you to hatch and train your very own beasty! You’ll have to take care of them as they grow but you’ll be able to train them to suit your needs too. Depending on how you do so, you’ll end up with a unique creature companion to help you during your adventure!

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