Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Kolossal Games

Western Legends: Blood Money Expansion

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To become a legend, it takes grit, cunning, and a little luck. Problem is, you ain't the only one looking to make a reputation for yourself. So you have to be willing to risk it all, every hard-earned dollar, every drop of blood, to write your name across the face of history.

Western Legends: Blood Money is the second large expansion for Western Legends, introducing a number of modules to tailor every game. The risk module uses a die that improves a number of actions... at the risk of injury. The legendary story module incorporates the story track and high-reward adventures for players to pursue. Players may now purchase deeds to locations and legendary items from the traveling trader. And of course, there is a bevy of new characters and items to explore!

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