Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Dan Hallagan

Kayenta Games

Obsession: Metal Coins

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These coins are substantial, thick and heavy. The pleasure of metal coins begins here, and any pretty coin that is as light as plastic is not a coin worth having. This set of coins weighs almost 3/4 of a pound (over 330g), and each coin is 3.3mm thick! They weigh twice as much as typical coins.

These coins feature a very young Queen Victoria on the £100 coin and a slightly older Queen on the £500 coin. No elderly Queens here. The backs have Obsession elements (lion rampant, fleur-de-lis, courtship couple, starter guest crown, tile rose), yet these coins will fit like a glove in any Victorian-era board game.

These coins stack. Similar to the poker player who manipulates chips, a gamer does the same, stacking and restacking coins, organizing them constantly. Coins that don't stack just end up in a sloppy pile.

These beauties take up the same volume of space as the cardboard coins and fit perfectly in the official Obsession insert from Shipshape Gamer.

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