Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Rock Manor Games

Maximum Apocalypse: Legendary Edition

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Maximum Apocalypse: Legendary Edition is a revamped version of the popular survivor game by Rock Manor Games. Maximum Apocalypse fans old and new will fall in love with the new survivor miniatures and custom Game Trayz storage trays. The legendary edition collects the original game and all the existing expansions (Gothic Horrors, Kaiju Rising and Jurassic Perils) along with the new Bugpocalypse expansion into one epic box!

Maximum Apocalypse is a cooperative roguelike adventure game for 1-6 players. In Maximum Apocalypse, civilization has already fallen. Players take on the role of an apocalyptic survivor and attempt to complete a mission and escape the hostile post-apocalyptic landscape by utilizing their 4 actions to move, scavenge and fight their way through enemies.

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