Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Sandy Petersen

Petersen Games

Cthulhu Wars: Bubastis Expansion

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Cthulhu Wars: Bubastis Expansion includes:

13 figures (6 Earth Cats, 2 Cats from Mars, 2 Cats from Saturn, 2 Cats from Uranus, Bastet)
4 Brain Cylinders
4 Brain Cylinder Tokens
1 Dark Demon
Faction sheet
Moon tile
6 Spellbooks
Note that this faction has no acolytes nor a high priest!

Gold Cat battle dice
Neutral unit identifier rings
2 Giant Blind Albino Penguins
Something About Cats box
Neutral monsters
2 Cats from Mercury
2 Cats from Venus
2 Asteroid Cats
Neutral Terror
Cat from Neptune
Neutral Independent Elder God
Hagarg Ryonis (Cat from Jupiter)

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