Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Maestro Media

The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Second Edition

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This is the Second Edition of The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls. All cards have been updated with enhanced backgrounds and updated wording for clarity.

A tabletop card game about sacrifice, betrayal and hoarding. Inspired by the massive hit video game The Binding of Isaac, the official card game was launched in 2018.

Experience the haunted and harrowing world of The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls yourself in this faithful adaptation. Collect treasure, gather loot, defeat monsters, and be the first to collect four souls. With over 300 cards to play with there's a huge amount of replay-ability. Discover killer combos, enhance your abilities, betray your companions and win!

The Box Contains:

340 The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls 2nd Edition cards
100 plastic pennies
1 D6 & 1 D8
The rulebook

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