Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Ryan Miller
  • Steve Warner


Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter Cruella & Aladdin Starter Deck

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In the Cruella & Aladdin Starter Deck, clever Emerald glimmers use quick wits to surprise, while daring Ruby glimmers dash with speed and bravery toward your objectives. Together, this plucky band should keep your opponents guessing and see you to victory!

This starter pack includes everything one player needs to play plus 1 Booster pack of 12 randomized cards.

  • 1 Starter Deck of 60 cards, includind 2 foil cards
  • 11 Damage counters
  • 1 Paper playmat
  • 1 Paper tracker token
  • Game rules


Disney Lorcana is a trading card game (TCG) that features Disney characters in both original and reimagined art styles that live in an all-new world with unique and magical gameplay.

The game is set in the rich and fantastical world of Lorcana, a combination of the words "lore" and "arcana". Players will take on the mantle of Illumineer, a powerful sorcerer, and band together Disney characters from Lorcana's "The Great Illuminary", a treasury of all Disney songs and stories ever made.

Disney Lorcana doesn't have an official player count on the packaging, but the designers have suggested 2-6 is an appropriate range.

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