Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Friedemann Friese

Rio Grande Games

Power Grid Recharged (Damaged)

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  • €56.36
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Unfortunately sometimes games may get damaged during their journey from the production to our stock. This is such an unlucky game. But it may turn out to be a saving opportunity for someone. Except the damages shown in this page, the game is in good condition and still in wrap.


Power Grid: Recharged is the updated version of the classic economic game, in which 2-6 players vie to build the biggest power-generation network.

What better way to earn money than with electric power?!! But how should you do it? Will you use old-fashioned coal or oil? Maybe you’ll be on the forefront of burning garbage. Nuclear power is tempting, as long as you can acquire uranium. You can always be independent of resources if you go the ecological route. No matter how you decide to generate energy, you’ll have to compete with other players for power plants and fuel. And then you’ll compete again to be the first to connect to each city!

You’ll need to watch your opponents closely, carefully manage your money, and expand your network thoughtfully in order to generate income. The player that is able to build the largest network AND successfully power it will be the winner.

Power Grid: Recharged has all the strategy and fun of the classic first edition, but adds some updates that improve the (already great) gameplay.

2010 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Winner
2010 Japan Boardgame Prize Voters' Selection Nominee
2010 Gouden Ludo Winner
2009 Juego del Año Finalist
2008 Ludoteca Ideale Official Selection
2008 Lucca Games Best Game Mechanics
2008 Lucca Games Best Boardgame
2008 Hra roku Nominee
2007 Hra roku Nominee
2007 Gra Roku Game of the Year
2005 Spiel des Jahres Recommended
2004 Tric Trac Nominee
2004 Tric Trac d'Argent
2004 Meeples' Choice Award
2004 International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee

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