Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Dan Verssen Games (DVG)

Modern Naval Battles: Global Warfare

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Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare is inspired by original 1989 award winning game and its 2 expansions. Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare is a redesigned improvement of the original game.

This new game features ships from 9 different nations: USA, USSR, UK, France, China, Argentina, Taiwan, Norway, and Japan. This gives you the ships you need to play out battles during the Cold War, Falkland Islands War, and Post-2000 naval warfare on the high seas.

Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare system maximizes player decision making to make every turn exciting. First, you get to select a nation's fleet to command. Then, you get to select your specific ships to build what you think is the best battle group. Once selected, you'll get to battle the fleets selected by the other players for ultimate supremacy of the seas!

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