Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Felix Mertikat

Grey Fox Games

Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down (Second Edition)

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Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down is a no-luck boardgame that demands specific strategic skills of its players. Its particular appeal lies in the clash of multifarious, asymmetrical factions. At the beginning, each player picks one of the five factions. The factions bring their own respective abilities, units and strategies. Therefore the game changes depending on what factions meet on the battlefield.

Values and abilities of the factions still don’t guarantee victory. Numerous test matches have shown: it’s the players who find new combinations and the right moments to use specific faction features, who notice their fellow players’ weaknesses and use them to their own advantages. This way, they shape their faction and bring the creatures and their stories to life.


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