Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Dan Hallagan

Kayenta Games

Obsession: Promo Tiles Expansion

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Obsession: Promo Tiles Expansion contains twenty (20) promotional tiles, which were developed as part of a stretch goal during the 2019 Upstairs, Downstairs Kickstarter campaign.

Users were invited to submit tile ideas, which were evaluated for thematic integrity and gameplay coherence, with the top two finishers in a user poll—the Parish Church/Parsonage (Stephen Cleary) and Babbling Brook (MJ Petrie)—being included in the Upstairs, Downstairs expansion.

The remaining eighteen (18) promotional tiles are now available as a separate item. These improvement tiles span all five tile categories: seven SERVICE, two ESTATE, two ESSENTIALS, three PRESTIGE, one SPORTING, and three SPECIALISED tiles (one hybrid, one wildcard, and one prototype tile).

Search for comets in a Garden Observatory, attempt to launch a Hot Air Balloon out on the East Lawn, enhance your service staff in countless ways, or be anything you want to be in the Art Gallery! All tiles are thematically sound, fitting the Victorian period.

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