Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Bright Eyes Games


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CoraQuest is an exciting and accessible co-operative dungeon crawling game for one to four people, aged six and up.

In CoraQuest the players work together to guide four adventurers exploring a dungeon, avoiding traps, finding treasure, fighting monsters, and sometimes rescuing a gnome called Kevin.

CoraQuest is a game that kids and grown-ups can play together and get equal amounts of fun from. It's also a game that sparks creativity - providing encouragement and guidance on how to create heroes, monsters and adventures to make CoraQuest your own.

All the artwork in CoraQuest is based on kids' drawings, much of it sent from all over the world by the wonderful CoraQuest community. The art has been brought together by the "chief-colourer-in", Gary King, to make a unique and charming-looking game.

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