Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 2 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Fantasy Flight Games

Arkham Horror: The Card Game The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion

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Myriad dimensions exist layered over our own. Sometimes, when the barrier between these layers is thin, things creep in from the vast beyond. It is up to those with accursed knowledge to stop such entities from tearing our dimension apart.

The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion features six new investigators for Arkham Horror: The Card Game and adds a wealth of new player cards and options for deckbuilding, including new customizable cards that can be upgraded to an investigator’s liking. Support your teammates as the butler, Carson Sinclair; diagnose and treat ailments as the doctor, Vincent Lee; lose tails as the elusive security consultant, Kymani Jones; learn words of eldritch power as the operator, Amina Zidane; capture impossible horrors on film as the photographer, Darrell Simmons; and put together the ultimate task force as the politician, Charlie Kane.

This expansion is a fantastic addition to any Arkham Horror: The Card Game player’s collection, and the cards within can be used to build or enhance investigator decks for any of the game’s scenarios or campaigns.

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