Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

DIEA Games

Euthia: Torment of Resurrection (Kickstarter Edition-Legendary Pledge Tier 2)

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 You will face the threat of three mighty dragons born from the darkness of magic Faer, and in doing so, will have to deal with monsters and dangerous creatures plaguing the land. Search for legendary artifacts. Experience nature’s raw elemental power as it influences your steps. Fulfill quests to help the struggling people of Euthia.

There are plenty of strategic options on your side. Choose from a wide range of armor, weapons, spells, and magical jewelry. An open playstyle allows for every hero to play the way they choose. A branching chain of skills allows for hero customization – for example, playing as the warrior Dral, you could be a master in various weapons, a furious fighter, a prospector, a traveler, or a bit of all of them.

Euthia: Torment of Resurrection is a competitive strategic board game where you take the role of one of five heroes. Your hero wanders through an open-world of fantasy landscape represented by the modular tile-based map. On each turn, players use action tokens which can be spent on either combat, trade, mining, or used for movement.

At the beginning of every game, you will choose one of three scenarios to play. Each scenario represents an attempt to kill or repel one of the mighty dragons. Successfully repelling or killing the dragon will provide the hero with reputation, as does most of the actions the player performs throughout the game. The hero with the highest reputation at the end of the game is the winner.

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