Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Vital Lacerda

Eagle-Gryphon Games

Vinhos Deluxe Edition: Expansion Bundle

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Vinhos Deluxe Edition: Expansion Bundle contains all of the Kickstarter stretch-goals packs available for Vinhos Deluxe including:

Vinhos Deluxe: Experts Pack (32 tiles)
- Advertising and Marketing Experts (8 tiles)
- Salesmen Specialists (4 tiles)
- Spies Specialists (4 tiles)
- Meteorologist Experts (4 tiles)
- Reviewer Experts (4 tiles)
- Estates Experts (4 tiles)
- Public Relations Experts (4 tiles)

Vinhos Deluxe: Islands Expansion Pack
- Madeira Expansion (small board; 4 tiles and 4 meeples)
- Azores Expansion (small board; 4 tiles; 4 larger vineyard tiles; 4 meeple barrels)

Vinhos Deluxe: Tasting Room Pack (38 wooden pieces)
- Bottles (4)
- Porto Bottles (6)
- Wine Rack (1)
- Tourist Meeples (8)
- Wineries (19)

Vinhos Deluxe: Connoisseur Pack (17 large tiles)
- Weather (1 tile)
- Wineries (4 double-sized tiles)
- Vineyards (4 double-sized tiles)
- Cellars (4 double sized tiles)
- Ocean Tiles (4 large tiles)

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