Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Awaken Realms

Nemesis: Void Seeders Expansion

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Nemesis: Void Seeders Expansion adds a new Intruder race along with their models, tokens and specific Event cards. Additionally, it introduces a new game mechanic - Character Insanity.

Everything in space is still and silent. But not Nemesis. Her corridors are filled with screams, panting, gunshots, and electric buzzing. The Al's glass eyes observe crew shooting at the walls, scratching theur faces and cutting their veins. Al can't understand what is happening and why humans don't listen to her. They talk about monsters, horrors in the dark. Al searches the whole ship, But can't find anything other then some clumps of biomass on the floor. Maybe it should burn them.

Could you survive a fight with your own mind?

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