Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Serious Poulp

The 7th Continent: The Crystal's Song & Game Modes Expansion

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7th Continent: The Crystal's Song & Game Modes expansion includes a short curse to help you get familiar with the game’s mechanics, as well as several alternative game modes to make your adventures easier… or spicier!

The Crystal’s Song:

This curse lasts between 1 and 2 hours, so it’s short but its mechanics make it very replayable and perfect for learning the game or playing a (relatively) quick session! During this curse, the new “Crystal” Exploration cards are used instead of the “standard” Exploration cards, presenting you with brand new challenges.

You’ll explore and (hopefully) overcome these new cards as you advance and, once there are no more “Crystal” Exploration cards to put in play, the game is over and it’s time to see if you managed to lift the curse or not!

With multiple start points, new challenges and all the same rich game content as one of the major curses, The Crystal’s Song is sure to give you your dose of the Continent, even if you’re short on time!

Prodigy Mode:

In this mode your explorers are incredibly good at what they do, meaning that you start with an additional set of 5 cards in the Action Deck.

Not only does this make the deck bigger, therefore giving you more actions, these cards are also very powerful, giving you multiple successes, keywords and a very cool effect to spare your energy, in order to easily pass actions, trigger character’s abilities and spare yourself!

Immortal Mode:

Survival… it’s not for everyone and some people get mighty queasy when they see their Action Deck diminishing. If you’re one of those, then this medallion is for you!

How does it work? Quite simply, really. You store it in your adventurer’s satchel at the beginning of your adventure and, if by an unfortunate twist of fate you should perish, you just let the magic do its work and you’ll soon be back on your feet! Just not necessarily where you thought you’d be…

The medallion should not be abused, however! Eternal life has a heavy price tag. How heavy? Well, you’ll have to find that out for yourself. All you have to do… is die.

Traitor Mode:

Before starting the game, each player draws one of the 7 Destiny cards at random and looks at it.

Four of these cards are “Trust no one!” and have no further effect (for now). However, the three others show “The Continent demands sacrifice!” which will give you two rather sinister choices: either Assassinate a fellow explorer at the most opportunistic time in order to free yourself, or die…horribly I might add.

And, if that wasn’t enough, the effects of each Destiny card are slightly different so you’ll never know what to expect from your colleagues, assailants, or your victims!

Contains 40 cards and 1 divider.

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