Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Dan Hallagan

Kayenta Games

Obsession: Upstairs Downstairs Expansion

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An expansion for Obsession that introduces four new servants—the Hall Boy, Cook, Head Housemaid, and Useful Man—who can be used to mitigate Victorian Fate found in the base game.

It also enables 5 and 6 players and adds the Howard family with their legendary cook.

Obsession: Upstairs Downstairs Expansion includes new service and improvement tiles along with a ton of new casual and prestige guests. The expansion components empower players to screen guests, work around prestige limitations, find tiles, refresh the market more easily, and enhance favors early in the game.

Finally, there are three new game modes: Solo Estate Challenge, Team Cooperative Play, and Tableau Obsession.

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