Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 5 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Ivan Tuzovsky

Arcane Wonders

Aquatica: Cold Waters Expansion EN/DE

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The waters of Aquatica has been prospering for centuries. With wise and noble Sea-Kings all sea creatures lived in peace and serenity.

But one day everything changed...Cold waters of the North Ocean rushed into warm waters of Aquatica because of underwater volcanoes’ eruptions. Immediate and strong climate changes brought unexpected consequences.

Citizens of Aquatica were surprised to find out that polar seas were full of life - unusual and unfamiliar. They still had no idea that several northern nations also discovered wealth and prosperity of Aquatica. And they are ready to fight for resources.

The Royal City is down in ashes after volcanic eruption, panic is everywhere. Even 4 brave Sea-Kings, who started a fight for the Crown of Aquatica, didn’t even pay attention to reports about weird creatures in the outskirts of the Empire... And so The Polar Invasion begins!

Aquatica: Cold Waters Expansion consists of several modules. It includes all necessary components for the fifth player, which can be used with the basic game, but also brings new type of locations, new cards of Ocean’s creatures, and alternative mechanic, replacing the goal-track in the basic game.

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