Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Chip Theory Games

Cloudspire: The Joining War Lore and Art Book

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Cloudspire: The Joining War Lore and Art Book brings the story of Cloudspire and illustrations of Anthony LeTourneau to new heights!

Featuring full spreads of high resolution artwork and a full novella further fleshing out the saga of The Joining War from author Ryan Howard, this book serves as a beautiful deluxe replacement for the scenario books in the box. With blue foil page edges glistening with Source energy, this is the ultimate companion for players looking to be fully immersed in the world of Ankar.

The Joining War is 196 pages, hardcover, and features lay-flat stitching to allow it to remain open on the table during solo and cooperative play.

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