Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Michael Boggs
  • Nate French
  • MJ Newman

Fantasy Flight Games

Marvel Champions: The Card Game – SP//dr Hero Pack

  • Sale
  • €19.15
  • Regular price
  • Will be in stock after
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After her father’s mysterious death, Peni Parker became the new pilot of the SP//dr suit. Alongside her arachnid co-pilot, with whom she is psychogenetically linked, SP//dr defends the citizens of New York City from attacks big and small, and sometimes even travels across the Multiverse to aid fellow Spider-heroes in saving existence itself.

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the SP//dr Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!

This high-powered hero suits up for battle in this expansion pack, which introduces SP//dr as a new playable hero along with her seventeen signature cards. With a pre-built Protection deck ready to play from startup, you’ll be able to bulldoze the villains with SP//dr’s high-tech suit from the moment you open the box. With a plethora of upgrades giving her a unique resource engine, SP//dr is a one-of-a-kind web-warrior who can adapt to any scenario.

This hero pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the Iron Spider’s Sinister Six!

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