Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English

Chip Theory Games

Hoplomachus: Remastered

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  • €123.14
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  • In stock
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This solo, two player cooperative and two to four player competitive game collects and combines the very best gameplay content from Hoplomachus: The Lost Cities and Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome, as well as several of their expansions.

Hoplomachus: Remastered includes everything that originally made the franchise a hit, with its ease of play, multiple combat modes and subtle variations between factions. Featuring new original art, more attractive graphic design, streamlined rules, and component compatibility with Victorum, Hoplomachus will now embody the Chip Theory Games premium experience in every sense of the word.

Though both Victorum and Remastered are standalone titles, their gladiator and tactics chips are cross-compatible between both games, allowing players to mix and match chips for even more gameplay options!

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