Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English


This War of Mine: Tales from the Ruined City Expansion

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War knows no end. Its victims are counted in thousands and each day we lose hope, little by little. Food is becoming scarce and our shelter is falling apart ā€” yet we keep struggling.

New faces can be seen around the city: the friendly ones at the makeshift market or in neighboring houses, the hostile ones in the night with blinding flashlights and clubs and knives. We seek new paths to travel through the ruins ā€” sometimes even underground ā€” just to avoid sniper fire and loot anything of value. It's never much, yet we keep struggling. We have no other choice.

Tales from the Ruined City is the first expansion for This War of Mine: The Board Game, a story-rich game of survival in a war-torn city.

The expansion introduces a range of game modules to enrich the base game:

- Emira is the 13th Character complete with a personal background; you may introduce her in any playthrough
- Desperate Measures cards empower you whenever you lose anyone from your group
- Farmers module features the Market, where your choices affect the way people perceive you; it also gives you a chance to interact with people from outside the city
- Sewers are full of unknown dangers and thrilling narrative, providing you with options for additional Scavenging runs
- Five Scenarios offer many hours of thrilling gameplay; each features unique rules and components and winning one of the gives you access to a reward envelope with special legacy content.

Face atrocities of war and prove that from horrible desperation comes great courage.

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