Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Justin De Witt

Fireside Games

Castle Panic: The Dark Titan Expansion (Second Edition)

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  • €16.53
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Agranok, The Dark Titan has returned!

Agranok is an 8-point Monster that comes in 5 different levels for the ultimate challenge.

He brings a new army to lay siege to Castle Bravehold, including the Dark Sorceress, Elite Monsters, and a Boom Troll.

Fight back using the Cavalier and Boiling Oil and get help from Support Tokens.

Gather your friends and make your stand against The Dark Titan!

2nd Edition features all new artwork.


The story of the castle is enhanced by the addition of the Dark Titan himself: Agranok. An unparalleled threat, Agranok has returned from banishment with a vengeance, and he's bringing new enemies that will test players like never before.

The Dark Titan, an expansion for Castle Panic, adds more powerful enemies to the game, as well as new reinforcements and weapons with which the players can defend the castle. The Dark Titan Agranok is a new 8-point monster seeking vengeance, and his support includes the Dark Sorceress, elite monsters, and a boom troll. To defend against these new threats, players will have a Cavalier that fights for them on the board as well as boiling oil and support tokens.


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