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Set Boosters are awesome ways to expand—or get started with—your Magic collection. Each Set Booster tells a "story" of sorts, with thematically connected common and uncommon cards, an art card showing off some of the incredible visuals throughout the set, and a guaranteed traditional foil card in every booster, plus opportunities to open more than one rare or mythic rare and a card from The List—cards from across Magic history that feel right at home in the set.
Magic The Gathering: Innistrad Midnight Hunt Set Boosters contains:
- 1 Rare or mythic rare card
- Can be a double-faced card
- 1 Traditional foil card of any rarity
- Can be a double-faced card
- Can be a showcase equinox, showcase eternal night, or borderless card
- 2 Cards from a variety of possibilities:
- Innistrad: Midnight Hunt cards, including single- and double-faced cards, of any rarity
- Booster Fun variants (showcase equinox, showcase eternal night, and borderless cards)
- Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander cards (including Commander cards exclusive to Set and Collector Boosters)
- 2 Common or uncommon cards, each either double-faced or a showcase equinox card
- 2 Uncommon single-faced cards
- 3 Common single-faced cards
- 1 Eternal night basic land, non-foil or traditional foil
- 1 Token or ad card; or 1 card from The List
- 1 Art card or foil-stamped art card