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  • Luke Eddy

Fantasy Flight Games

Star Wars: Legion – Emperor Palpatine Commander Expansion

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Sitting at the head of the mighty Galactic Empire, Emperor Palpatine is the supreme authority in the galaxy. A brilliant manipulator who almost singlehandedly orchestrated the fall of the Jedi order and his own rise to power, the Emperor makes a perfect addition to Star Wars: Legion as a commander of your Imperial forces. Within the Star Wars: Legion – Emperor Palpatine Commander Expansion, you'll find everything you need to add Emperor Palpatine to your army as a commander — leading the Imperial forces on his own or alongside another Imperial commander like his apprentice, Darth Vader. A single unpainted, easily assembled miniature depicts a cloaked Emperor Palpatine plotting his next move, while three upgrade cards allow you to tap into his mastery of the dark side of the Force. Finally, three new command cards give you more options for determining your battle plans, letting you make use of the Emperor’s abilities as a master strategist.

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