Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Jochen Eisenhuth

Mythic Games

Super Fantasy Brawl: Mental Might Expansion

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Super Fantasy Brawl: Mental Might Expansion adds Izabella, Al’Kemi, and Xinshén to the roster of your Champions.

Izabella, the Fateweaver, joins the fight promising that the wheels of fate will change, just the same way as the wheels of her wheelchair spin. Whether it is positioning or power that you need, she will grant it to you.

Al’Kemi, The Wishmaker, a one of a kind Djinn Champion, is a master of turning an enemy strength into a deadly weakness. Your wish is his command!

Xinshén, The Kinetic Kitty, a psychic monk, needs no other weapons than her discipline and her fists. Either with her Panther reflexes or with the power of her mind, she can control Space and Time!

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