Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Jochen Eisenhuth

Mythic Games

Super Fantasy Brawl: Radiant Authority Expansion

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Super Fantasy Brawl: Radiant Authority Expansion adds King Alistair, Khalize, and Sir Tentaclot to the roster of your Champions.

King Alistair, The Scaled Tyrant, takes lots of damage, deals lots of damage and helps around the board. The Black-hearted draconian is a great leader, shining in various roles!

Khalize, The Will of the Heavens, will cover the Champions in her radiant power in the Arena and grant her allies considerable strength. A true ally for everyone on he side!

Sir Tentaclot, The Paladin of Madness, carries himself around like a corrupt, evil Arthurian knight. He is feared by his opponents, and his power is poisonous!

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