Useful Information

Number of Players: 1 to 6 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Dan Hallagan

Kayenta Games

Obsession: Characters Expansion

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A strange Dowager lives outside of Derby in a sprawling manor distastefully done up like a Scottish castle. More distasteful yet is that her estate is simply crawling with odd characters, refugees from around Europe and eccentric, if pedigreed, characters from closer to home. Respectable people shun the great lady for her appalling taste in acquaintances, but one must confess that her rabble is spectacularly interesting...

Obsession: Characters Expansion brings thematic new personalities to Derbyshire who provide unique actions for managing your country estate: Constable Bucket, a fair hand at running off all manner of unsavoury guests; a Mr. Higbee who can find domestic help in a pinch (ā€œReferences? I am sure they are here somewhereā€¦ā€); the wise Reverend Grantly, a dispenser of sage advice; and an Eccentric Dowager Marchioness, who will connect you with a Prussian major, Swedish noble, and a Russian count as quick as a wink.

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