Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Luke Laurie
  • Maximus Laurie

Cardboard Alchemy

Andromeda's Edge: Supernova Component Upgrade Kit

  • Sale
  • Regular price
  • Will be in stock after
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Elevate and enhance your standard copy of Andromeda's Edge with the Supernova Component Upgrade Kit! You’ll trade your cardboard resources and credits in for stunning, tactile components, see the raiders transform into highly detailed miniatures ready for battle, plus get to plug your leaders into epic 3D development minis, bringing your table to life.

And all this comes with the epic Game Trayz storage system to pack it all away neatly.

The contents of this product are mostly language-independent so can be combined with any standard copy, there is a ‘how to store’ sheet included which is language-dependent.


  • 15 development minis
  • 22 Raider minis (includes 2 promo minis - Ancient Brain, Hive&Hornets)
  • 25 Metal credits
  • 75 Acrylic resources
  • 50 Energy cubes
  • 5 Mechaphage tokens

+ Game Trayz system (14 trayz storing all base game, solo/expansion and deluxe components. Fits all cards sleeved).

+ Deluxe Box to store it all in!

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