Useful Information

Number of Players: 2 to 4 Players
Game Language (s):
  • English
  • Michael Kiesling

Pegasus Spiele


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The Café de Paris is in urgent need of renovation to ensure that it continues to attract guests from around the world. Players in Intarsia are artisans who compete for the coveted contract to redesign the beautiful parquet floor at the Café. To win the contract, they must first showcase their mastery of working these stylish intarsias, while also outpacing their competitors with new tools.

Each floor ornament can consist of one to four filigree wood elements that are carefully fit together, working from the outside inwards. The more pieces an ornament consists of the more victory points it scores! During the construction phase, wood elements can be acquired by playing material cards, then added to a player’s personal board following a set of simple building rules. Additionally, players can strive to match specific pattern requirements to gain tools that increase the amount of points scored in a round. Only the artisan with the best skills can secure the contract and give the café a new lease on life!

The B-side of the floor board offers variation for this clever and high-quality tile placement game.

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